Purchase orders

Purchase orders represent a set of jobs that are to be completed by a supplier.

The Purchase order object


  • idstring

    Unique identifier for the object.

  • applyVATReverseChargeboolean

    True if the reverse charge applies.

  • archiveboolean

    True if the entity is archived.

  • currencyobject

    The currency.
  • documentobject

    The document configuration.
  • filenameFormatstring

    The filename format.

  • internalNotesarray

    The notes
  • isConflictingNumberboolean

    True if the number is conflicting.

  • issueDatedate

    The issue date.

  • labelsarray

    The labels.
  • linesarray

    The lines.
  • notesstring

    The notes linked to the entity.

  • numberstring

    The purchase order number.

  • paymentTermsnumber

    The payment terms.

  • paymentTermsEndOfMonthboolean

    True if the payment terms end of month.

  • pinnedboolean

    True if the entity is pinned.

  • rappenRoundingboolean

    True if the rounding is in rappen (CHF currency only).

  • sentDatedate

    The date the entity was sent.

  • sentDateStatusobject

  • statusnumber

    The status of the sent date. Valid values are: delivered (the email was delivered), open (the email was opened), bounce (the email bounced), dropped (the email was dropped), processed (the email was processed).

  • supplierobject

    The supplier
  • tax1object

    he first tax.
  • tax2object

    The second tax
  • termsstring

    The terms and conditions.

  • totalobject

    The total.
  • userobject

    The user that created the purchase order.
  • createdAtdate

    The date and time the entity was created.

  • updatedAtdate

    The date and time the entity was last updated.

purchase order object

  "id": "673afe8023b8c71a21e16b95",
  "applyVATReverseCharge": false,
  "archive": false,
  "currency": {
    "code": "EUR",
    "symbol": "€"
  "document": {
    "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce915a",
    "name": "English"
  "filename": "002.pdf",
  "filenameFormat": "[number]",
  "internalNotes": [],
  "isConflictingNumber": false,
  "issueDate": "2024-11-18T08:44:48.349Z",
  "labels": [],
  "lines": [
      "job": {
        "id": "6718a1350e27164043ce9f2f",
        "name": "First job",
        "isFixedPrice": false,
        "outsourcing": "6718a1a20e27164043cea544",
        "clientId": "6718a1350e27164043ce9e80"
      "service": {
        "id": "6718a0f90e27164043ce95c0",
        "name": "Translation"
      "extraCharge": {
        "type": "percentage",
        "percentage": 0,
        "amount": 0
      "quantity": {
        "quantityType": {
          "id": "6718a0f90e27164043ce96a7",
          "name": "Words"
        "value": 1000
      "totalDetails": {
        "extraCharge": {
          "amount": 0,
          "discount": 0,
          "total": 0
        "subtotal": {
          "amount": 90,
          "discount": 0,
          "total": 90
        "total": 90
      "dueDate": "2024-10-24T06:00:00.000Z",
      "unitCost": 0.09,
      "discount": 0,
      "lineTotal": 90,
      "notIncludeInTaxes": false,
      "matches": [],
      "id": "673afe8023b8c71a21e16bfc"
  "number": "002",
  "object": "purchaseOrder",
  "paymentTerms": 30,
  "paymentTermsEndOfMonth": false,
  "pinned": false,
  "rappenRounding": false,
  "status": 1,
  "supplier": {
    "id": "6718a1a20e27164043cea4e8",
    "name": "Caroline Dupont",
    "address": {
      "name": "Caroline Dupont"
  "tax1": {
    "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
    "name": "VAT",
    "value": 0.21
  "total": {
    "subtotal": 90,
    "subtotalTaxable": 90,
    "subtotalWithoutTaxes": 90,
    "tax1": {
      "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
      "name": "VAT",
      "amount": 18.9,
      "value": 0.21
    "tax2": null,
    "total": 108.9
  "user": {
    "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce9130",
    "name": "Degallaix Corp."
  "createdAt": "2024-11-18T08:44:48.349Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-11-18T08:44:48.400Z"


List all purchase orders

This endpoint allows you to retrieve all the purchase orders.


curl -G https://api.lsp.expert/v2/purchase-orders \
  -u {key}: 


  "items": [{
    "id": "673afe8023b8c71a21e16b95",
    "applyVATReverseCharge": false,
    "archive": false,
    "currency": {
      "code": "EUR",
      "symbol": "€"
    "document": {
      "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce915a",
      "name": "English"
    "filename": "002.pdf",
    "filenameFormat": "[number]",
    "internalNotes": [],
    "isConflictingNumber": false,
    "issueDate": "2024-11-18T08:44:48.349Z",
    "labels": [],
    "lines": [
        "job": {
          "id": "6718a1350e27164043ce9f2f",
          "name": "First job",
          "isFixedPrice": false,
          "outsourcing": "6718a1a20e27164043cea544",
          "clientId": "6718a1350e27164043ce9e80"
        "service": {
          "id": "6718a0f90e27164043ce95c0",
          "name": "Translation"
        "extraCharge": {
          "type": "percentage",
          "percentage": 0,
          "amount": 0
        "quantity": {
          "quantityType": {
            "id": "6718a0f90e27164043ce96a7",
            "name": "Words"
          "value": 1000
        "totalDetails": {
          "extraCharge": {
            "amount": 0,
            "discount": 0,
            "total": 0
          "subtotal": {
            "amount": 90,
            "discount": 0,
            "total": 90
          "total": 90
        "dueDate": "2024-10-24T06:00:00.000Z",
        "unitCost": 0.09,
        "discount": 0,
        "lineTotal": 90,
        "notIncludeInTaxes": false,
        "matches": [],
        "id": "673afe8023b8c71a21e16bfc"
    "number": "002",
    "object": "purchaseOrder",
    "paymentTerms": 30,
    "paymentTermsEndOfMonth": false,
    "pinned": false,
    "rappenRounding": false,
    "status": 1,
    "supplier": {
      "id": "6718a1a20e27164043cea4e8",
      "name": "Caroline Dupont",
      "address": {
        "name": "Caroline Dupont"
    "tax1": {
      "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
      "name": "VAT",
      "value": 0.21
    "total": {
      "subtotal": 90,
      "subtotalTaxable": 90,
      "subtotalWithoutTaxes": 90,
      "tax1": {
        "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
        "name": "VAT",
        "amount": 18.9,
        "value": 0.21
      "tax2": null,
      "total": 108.9
    "user": {
      "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce9130",
      "name": "Degallaix Corp."
    "createdAt": "2024-11-18T08:44:48.349Z",
    "updatedAt": "2024-11-18T08:44:48.400Z"
  "pageSize": 20,
  "page": 1,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalItems": 2,
  "hasNextPage": false,
  "hasPreviousPage": false


Create a purchase order

This endpoint allows you to add a new purchase order.


  • currencystring Required

    The currency code (ISO, e.g., EUR).

  • supplierstring Required

    The supplier id.


curl https://api.lsp.expert/v2/purchase-orders \
  -u {key}: \
  -d supplier="6718a1a20e27164043cea4e8" \
  -d currency="EUR"


  "id": "673b026923b8c71a21e16e7b",
  "applyVATReverseCharge": false,
  "archive": false,
  "currency": {
    "code": "EUR",
    "symbol": "€"
  "document": {
    "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce915a",
    "name": "English"
  "filename": "003.pdf",
  "filenameFormat": "[number]",
  "internalNotes": [],
  "isConflictingNumber": false,
  "issueDate": "2024-11-18T09:01:29.569Z",
  "labels": [],
  "lines": [],
  "number": "003",
  "object": "purchaseOrder",
  "paymentTerms": 30,
  "paymentTermsEndOfMonth": false,
  "pinned": false,
  "rappenRounding": false,
  "status": 1,
  "supplier": {
    "id": "6718a1a20e27164043cea4e8",
    "name": "Caroline Dupont",
    "address": {
      "name": "Caroline Dupont"
  "tax1": {
    "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
    "name": "VAT",
    "value": 0.21
  "total": {
    "subtotal": 0,
    "subtotalTaxable": 0,
    "subtotalWithoutTaxes": 0,
    "tax1": {
      "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
      "name": "VAT",
      "amount": 0,
      "value": 0.21
    "tax2": null,
    "total": 0
  "user": {
    "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce9130",
    "name": "Degallaix Corp."
  "createdAt": "2024-11-18T09:01:29.569Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-11-18T09:01:29.574Z"


Create a purchase order for jobs

This endpoint allows you to add a new purchase order and automatically add several lines for jobs.


  • jobsarray

    The list of jobs ids.


curl https://api.lsp.expert/v2/purchase-orders/multi \
  -u {key}: \
  -d ids=["671f9ec7fca5590b10414931", "6718a1ea0e27164043ceb62d"] 


    "id": "673b032123b8c71a21e1796e",
    "applyVATReverseCharge": false,
    "archive": false,
    "currency": {
      "code": "EUR",
      "symbol": "€"
    "document": {
      "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce915a",
      "name": "English"
    "filename": "001.pdf",
    "filenameFormat": "[number]",
    "internalNotes": [],
    "isConflictingNumber": false,
    "issueDate": "2024-11-18T09:04:33.617Z",
    "labels": [],
    "lines": [
        "job": {
          "id": "671f9ec7fca5590b10414931",
          "name": "Brochure 2024",
          "isFixedPrice": false,
          "outsourcing": "6736fc03503cd0c91070bc5f",
          "clientId": "6718a1350e27164043ce9e80"
        "dueDate": "2024-10-28T15:00:00.000Z",
        "startDate": null,
        "service": {
          "id": "6718a0f90e27164043ce95c0",
          "name": "Translation"
        "languagePair": {
          "id": "672c70b62a89c7102545773f",
          "source": {
            "code": "de",
            "name": "German"
          "target": {
            "code": "de",
            "name": "German"
          "bidirectional": true
        "unitCost": 0.09,
        "discount": 0,
        "extraCharge": {
          "type": "percentage",
          "percentage": 0,
          "amount": 0
        "quantity": {
          "value": 2000,
          "quantityType": {
            "id": "6718a0f90e27164043ce96a7",
            "name": "Words"
        "lineTotal": 180,
        "totalDetails": {
          "extraCharge": {
            "amount": 0,
            "discount": 0,
            "total": 0
          "subtotal": {
            "amount": 180,
            "discount": 0,
            "total": 180
          "total": 180
        "notIncludeInTaxes": false,
        "matches": [
            "match": {
              "id": "671f9eaafca5590b1041459f",
              "name": "0%"
            "unitCost": 0.09,
            "quantity": 1500,
            "lineTotal": 135,
            "id": "673b032123b8c71a21e17972"
            "match": {
              "id": "671f9ea7fca5590b10414546",
              "name": "100%"
            "unitCost": 0.09,
            "quantity": 200,
            "lineTotal": 18,
            "id": "673b032123b8c71a21e17974"
            "match": {
              "id": "671f9eaefca5590b104145fa",
              "name": "Fuzzies"
            "unitCost": 0.09,
            "quantity": 300,
            "lineTotal": 27,
            "id": "673b032123b8c71a21e17976"
        "id": "673b032123b8c71a21e17971"
        "job": {
          "id": "6718a1ea0e27164043ceb62d",
          "name": "Third job",
          "isFixedPrice": false,
          "outsourcing": "6718a1ea0e27164043ceb6c5",
          "clientId": "6718a1350e27164043ce9e80"
        "dueDate": "2024-10-25T08:00:00.000Z",
        "service": {
          "id": "6718a0f90e27164043ce95c0",
          "name": "Translation"
        "unitCost": 0.09,
        "discount": 0,
        "extraCharge": {
          "type": "percentage",
          "percentage": 0,
          "amount": 0
        "quantity": {
          "value": 1000,
          "quantityType": {
            "id": "6718a0f90e27164043ce96a7",
            "name": "Words"
        "lineTotal": 90,
        "totalDetails": {
          "extraCharge": {
            "amount": 0,
            "discount": 0,
            "total": 0
          "subtotal": {
            "amount": 90,
            "discount": 0,
            "total": 90
          "total": 90
        "notIncludeInTaxes": false,
        "matches": [],
        "id": "673b032123b8c71a21e1797d"
    "number": "001",
    "object": "purchaseOrder",
    "paymentTerms": 30,
    "paymentTermsEndOfMonth": false,
    "pinned": false,
    "rappenRounding": false,
    "status": 1,
    "supplier": {
      "id": "6718a1a20e27164043cea4e8",
      "name": "Caroline Dupont",
      "address": {
        "name": "Caroline Dupont"
    "tax1": {
      "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
      "name": "VAT",
      "value": 0.21
    "total": {
      "subtotal": 270,
      "subtotalTaxable": 270,
      "subtotalWithoutTaxes": 270,
      "tax1": {
        "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
        "name": "VAT",
        "amount": 56.7,
        "value": 0.21
      "tax2": null,
      "total": 326.7
    "user": {
      "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce912e",
      "name": "Cédric Doe"
    "createdAt": "2024-11-18T09:04:33.617Z",
    "updatedAt": "2024-11-18T09:04:33.631Z"


Retrieve a purchase order

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a purchase order by providing their id.


curl https://api.lsp.expert/v2/purchase-orders/673afe8023b8c71a21e16b95 \
  -u {key}:


  "id": "673afe8023b8c71a21e16b95",
  "applyVATReverseCharge": false,
  "archive": false,
  "currency": {
    "code": "EUR",
    "symbol": "€"
  "document": {
    "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce915a",
    "name": "English"
  "filename": "002.pdf",
  "filenameFormat": "[number]",
  "internalNotes": [],
  "isConflictingNumber": false,
  "issueDate": "2024-11-18T08:44:48.349Z",
  "labels": [],
  "lines": [
      "job": {
        "id": "6718a1350e27164043ce9f2f",
        "name": "First job",
        "isFixedPrice": false,
        "outsourcing": "6718a1a20e27164043cea544",
        "clientId": "6718a1350e27164043ce9e80"
      "service": {
        "id": "6718a0f90e27164043ce95c0",
        "name": "Translation"
      "extraCharge": {
        "type": "percentage",
        "percentage": 0,
        "amount": 0
      "quantity": {
        "quantityType": {
          "id": "6718a0f90e27164043ce96a7",
          "name": "Words"
        "value": 1000
      "totalDetails": {
        "extraCharge": {
          "amount": 0,
          "discount": 0,
          "total": 0
        "subtotal": {
          "amount": 90,
          "discount": 0,
          "total": 90
        "total": 90
      "dueDate": "2024-10-24T06:00:00.000Z",
      "unitCost": 0.09,
      "discount": 0,
      "lineTotal": 90,
      "notIncludeInTaxes": false,
      "matches": [],
      "id": "673afe8023b8c71a21e16bfc"
  "number": "002",
  "object": "purchaseOrder",
  "paymentTerms": 30,
  "paymentTermsEndOfMonth": false,
  "pinned": false,
  "rappenRounding": false,
  "status": 1,
  "supplier": {
    "id": "6718a1a20e27164043cea4e8",
    "name": "Caroline Dupont",
    "address": {
      "name": "Caroline Dupont"
  "tax1": {
    "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
    "name": "VAT",
    "value": 0.21
  "total": {
    "subtotal": 90,
    "subtotalTaxable": 90,
    "subtotalWithoutTaxes": 90,
    "tax1": {
      "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
      "name": "VAT",
      "amount": 18.9,
      "value": 0.21
    "tax2": null,
    "total": 108.9
  "user": {
    "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce9130",
    "name": "Degallaix Corp."
  "createdAt": "2024-11-18T08:44:48.349Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-11-18T08:44:48.400Z"


Retrieve a purchase order as PDF

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a PDF for one or multiple purchase orders.


curl https://api.lsp.expert/v2/purchase-orders/generate/ids=673afe8023b8c71a21e16b95 \
  -u {key}:


Update a purchase order

This endpoint allows you to perform an update on a purchase order. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.


  • applyVATReverseChargeboolean

    True if the reverse charge applies.

  • documentstring

    The document id.

  • filenameFormatstring

    The filename format.

  • issueDatestring

    The issue date.

  • notesstring,

    The notes linked to the entity.

  • numberstring

    The number of the entity.

  • pinnedboolean

    True if the entity is pinned.

  • rappenRoundingboolean

    True if the rounding is in rappen.

  • sentDatestring,

    The sent date.

  • statusnumber

    One of the following value: 1, 2, 3.

  • supplierAddressCitystring,

    The city of the supplier address.

  • supplierAddressCountrystring,

    The country of the supplier address.

  • supplierAddressLine1string,

    The first line of the supplier address.

  • supplierAddressLine2string,

    The second line of the supplier address.

  • supplierAddressNamestring,

    The name of the supplier address.

  • supplierAddressPostalCodestring,

    The postal code of the supplier address.

  • supplierAddressStatestring,

    The state of the supplier address.

  • supplierDetailsstring,

    Any details about the supplier.

  • supplierNationalIdentificationNumberstring,

    The national identification number of the supplier.

  • supplierVatNumberstring,

    The VAT number of the supplier.

  • tax1string,

    The first tax id.

  • tax2string,

    The second tax id.

  • termsstring,

    The terms of the entity.


curl -X PUT https://api.lsp.expert/v2/purchase-orders/673afe8023b8c71a21e16b95 \
  -u {key}: \
  -d status=2


  "id": "673afe8023b8c71a21e16b95",
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  "archive": false,
  "currency": {
    "code": "EUR",
    "symbol": "€"
  "document": {
    "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce915a",
    "name": "English"
  "filename": "002.pdf",
  "filenameFormat": "[number]",
  "internalNotes": [],
  "isConflictingNumber": false,
  "issueDate": "2024-11-18T09:11:53.150Z",
  "labels": [],
  "lines": [
      "job": {
        "id": "6718a1350e27164043ce9f2f",
        "name": "First job",
        "isFixedPrice": false,
        "outsourcing": "6718a1a20e27164043cea544",
        "clientId": "6718a1350e27164043ce9e80"
      "service": {
        "id": "6718a0f90e27164043ce95c0",
        "name": "Translation"
      "extraCharge": {
        "type": "percentage",
        "percentage": 0,
        "amount": 0
      "quantity": {
        "quantityType": {
          "id": "6718a0f90e27164043ce96a7",
          "name": "Words"
        "value": 1000
      "totalDetails": {
        "extraCharge": {
          "amount": 0,
          "discount": 0,
          "total": 0
        "subtotal": {
          "amount": 90,
          "discount": 0,
          "total": 90
        "total": 90
      "dueDate": "2024-10-24T06:00:00.000Z",
      "unitCost": 0.09,
      "discount": 0,
      "lineTotal": 90,
      "notIncludeInTaxes": false,
      "matches": [],
      "id": "673b04d923b8c71a21e184e2"
  "number": "002",
  "object": "purchaseOrder",
  "paymentTerms": 30,
  "paymentTermsEndOfMonth": false,
  "pinned": false,
  "rappenRounding": false,
  "sentDate": "2024-11-18T09:11:56.368Z",
  "status": 2,
  "supplier": {
    "id": "6718a1a20e27164043cea4e8",
    "name": "Caroline Dupont",
    "address": {
      "name": "Caroline Dupont"
  "tax1": {
    "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
    "name": "VAT",
    "value": 0.21
  "total": {
    "subtotal": 90,
    "subtotalTaxable": 90,
    "subtotalWithoutTaxes": 90,
    "tax1": {
      "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
      "name": "VAT",
      "amount": 18.9,
      "value": 0.21
    "tax2": null,
    "total": 108.9
  "user": {
    "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce9130",
    "name": "Degallaix Corp."
  "createdAt": "2024-11-18T09:11:53.150Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-11-18T09:11:56.374Z"


Sync purchase order with client info

This endpoint allows you to sync the purchase order with the latest client info.



curl -X PUT https://api.lsp.expert/v2/purchase-orders/673afe8023b8c71a21e16b95/sync-client \
  -u {key}: 


  "id": "673afe8023b8c71a21e16b95",
  "applyVATReverseCharge": false,
  "archive": false,
  "currency": {
    "code": "EUR",
    "symbol": "€"
  "document": {
    "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce915a",
    "name": "English"
  "filename": "002.pdf",
  "filenameFormat": "[number]",
  "internalNotes": [],
  "isConflictingNumber": false,
  "issueDate": "2024-11-18T09:11:53.150Z",
  "labels": [],
  "lines": [
      "job": {
        "id": "6718a1350e27164043ce9f2f",
        "name": "First job",
        "isFixedPrice": false,
        "outsourcing": "6718a1a20e27164043cea544",
        "clientId": "6718a1350e27164043ce9e80"
      "service": {
        "id": "6718a0f90e27164043ce95c0",
        "name": "Translation"
      "extraCharge": {
        "type": "percentage",
        "percentage": 0,
        "amount": 0
      "quantity": {
        "quantityType": {
          "id": "6718a0f90e27164043ce96a7",
          "name": "Words"
        "value": 1000
      "totalDetails": {
        "extraCharge": {
          "amount": 0,
          "discount": 0,
          "total": 0
        "subtotal": {
          "amount": 90,
          "discount": 0,
          "total": 90
        "total": 90
      "dueDate": "2024-10-24T06:00:00.000Z",
      "unitCost": 0.09,
      "discount": 0,
      "lineTotal": 90,
      "notIncludeInTaxes": false,
      "matches": [],
      "id": "673b04d923b8c71a21e184e2"
  "number": "002",
  "object": "purchaseOrder",
  "paymentTerms": 30,
  "paymentTermsEndOfMonth": false,
  "pinned": false,
  "rappenRounding": false,
  "sentDate": "2024-11-18T09:11:56.368Z",
  "status": 2,
  "supplier": {
    "id": "6718a1a20e27164043cea4e8",
    "name": "Caroline Dupont",
    "address": {
      "name": "Caroline Dupont"
  "tax1": {
    "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
    "name": "VAT",
    "value": 0.21
  "total": {
    "subtotal": 90,
    "subtotalTaxable": 90,
    "subtotalWithoutTaxes": 90,
    "tax1": {
      "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
      "name": "VAT",
      "amount": 18.9,
      "value": 0.21
    "tax2": null,
    "total": 108.9
  "user": {
    "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce9130",
    "name": "Degallaix Corp."
  "createdAt": "2024-11-18T09:11:53.150Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-11-18T09:11:56.374Z"


Delete a purchase order

This endpoint allows you to delete a purchase order.


curl -X DELETE https://api.lsp.expert/v2/purchase-orders/673afe8023b8c71a21e16b95 \
  -u {key}:


Send via email

This endpoint allows you to send a purchase order via email.


  • ccContactsarray

    The list of contact ids to cc (if not provided, use the default cc contacts of the supplier).

  • contactsarray

    The list of contact ids to send the emails to (if not provided, use the default to contacts of the supplier).

  • contentstring

    The content of the email (if not provided, use the default content of the document configuration for the supplier).

  • documentSettingsstring

    The document id to use for the email (if not provided, use the default document of the supplier).

  • subjectstring

    The subject of the email (if not provided, use the default subject of the document configuration for the supplier).

  • tostring

    The email to send the email to (if not provided, use the default email of the supplier).


curl https://api.lsp.expert/v2/purchase-orders/673afe8023b8c71a21e16b95 \
  -u {key}: 


  "id": "673afe8023b8c71a21e16b95",
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  "archive": false,
  "currency": {
    "code": "EUR",
    "symbol": "€"
  "document": {
    "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce915a",
    "name": "English"
  "filename": "002.pdf",
  "filenameFormat": "[number]",
  "internalNotes": [],
  "isConflictingNumber": false,
  "issueDate": "2024-11-18T09:11:53.150Z",
  "labels": [],
  "lines": [
      "job": {
        "id": "6718a1350e27164043ce9f2f",
        "name": "First job",
        "isFixedPrice": false,
        "outsourcing": "6718a1a20e27164043cea544",
        "clientId": "6718a1350e27164043ce9e80"
      "service": {
        "id": "6718a0f90e27164043ce95c0",
        "name": "Translation"
      "extraCharge": {
        "type": "percentage",
        "percentage": 0,
        "amount": 0
      "quantity": {
        "quantityType": {
          "id": "6718a0f90e27164043ce96a7",
          "name": "Words"
        "value": 1000
      "totalDetails": {
        "extraCharge": {
          "amount": 0,
          "discount": 0,
          "total": 0
        "subtotal": {
          "amount": 90,
          "discount": 0,
          "total": 90
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      "dueDate": "2024-10-24T06:00:00.000Z",
      "unitCost": 0.09,
      "discount": 0,
      "lineTotal": 90,
      "notIncludeInTaxes": false,
      "matches": [],
      "id": "673b04d923b8c71a21e184e2"
  "number": "002",
  "object": "purchaseOrder",
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  "paymentTermsEndOfMonth": false,
  "pinned": false,
  "rappenRounding": false,
  "sentDate": "2024-11-18T09:11:56.368Z",
  "status": 2,
  "supplier": {
    "id": "6718a1a20e27164043cea4e8",
    "name": "Caroline Dupont",
    "address": {
      "name": "Caroline Dupont"
  "tax1": {
    "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
    "name": "VAT",
    "value": 0.21
  "total": {
    "subtotal": 90,
    "subtotalTaxable": 90,
    "subtotalWithoutTaxes": 90,
    "tax1": {
      "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
      "name": "VAT",
      "amount": 18.9,
      "value": 0.21
    "tax2": null,
    "total": 108.9
  "user": {
    "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce9130",
    "name": "Degallaix Corp."
  "createdAt": "2024-11-18T09:11:53.150Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-11-18T09:11:56.374Z"


Add line for a job

This endpoint allows you to add a line on the purchase order for a job.


  • jobIdstring Required

    The job id.

  • outsourcingIdstring Required

    The outsourcing id.


curl https://api.lsp.expert/v2/purchase-orders/673b04d923b8c71a21e1847b/lines/job \
  -u {key}: \
  -d jobId="6718a1ea0e27164043ceb62d"
  -d outsourcingId="6718a1ea0e27164043ceb6c5"


  "id": "673b04d923b8c71a21e1847b",
  "applyVATReverseCharge": false,
  "archive": false,
  "currency": {
    "code": "EUR",
    "symbol": "€"
  "document": {
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    "name": "English"
  "filename": "002.pdf",
  "filenameFormat": "[number]",
  "internalNotes": [],
  "isConflictingNumber": false,
  "issueDate": "2024-11-18T09:11:53.150Z",
  "labels": [],
  "lines": [
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        "clientId": "6718a1350e27164043ce9e80"
      "dueDate": "2024-10-25T08:00:00.000Z",
      "service": {
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      "discount": 0,
      "extraCharge": {
        "type": "percentage",
        "percentage": 0,
        "amount": 0
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      "totalDetails": {
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          "total": 0
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          "amount": 90,
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          "total": 90
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  "object": "purchaseOrder",
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  "pinned": false,
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  "sentDate": "2024-11-18T09:11:56.368Z",
  "status": 2,
  "supplier": {
    "id": "6718a1a20e27164043cea4e8",
    "name": "Caroline Dupont",
    "address": {
      "name": "Caroline Dupont"
  "tax1": {
    "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
    "name": "VAT",
    "value": 0.21
  "total": {
    "subtotal": 90,
    "subtotalTaxable": 90,
    "subtotalWithoutTaxes": 90,
    "tax1": {
      "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
      "name": "VAT",
      "amount": 18.9,
      "value": 0.21
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    "name": "Degallaix Corp."
  "createdAt": "2024-11-18T09:11:53.150Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-11-18T09:18:17.418Z"


Sync a purchase order line with the job

This endpoint allows you to sync a line with the related job (quantity, unit cost, etc.).



curl -X PUT https://api.lsp.expert/v2/purchase-orders/673b04d923b8c71a21e1847b/lines/6718a1ea0e27164043ceb62d/sync \
  -u {key}: 


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  "internalNotes": [],
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  "issueDate": "2024-11-18T09:11:53.150Z",
  "labels": [],
  "lines": [
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        "name": "Third job",
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        "clientId": "6718a1350e27164043ce9e80"
      "dueDate": "2024-10-25T08:00:00.000Z",
      "service": {
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      "discount": 0,
      "extraCharge": {
        "type": "percentage",
        "percentage": 0,
        "amount": 0
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          "total": 0
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          "amount": 90,
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          "total": 90
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  "sentDate": "2024-11-18T09:11:56.368Z",
  "status": 2,
  "supplier": {
    "id": "6718a1a20e27164043cea4e8",
    "name": "Caroline Dupont",
    "address": {
      "name": "Caroline Dupont"
  "tax1": {
    "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
    "name": "VAT",
    "value": 0.21
  "total": {
    "subtotal": 90,
    "subtotalTaxable": 90,
    "subtotalWithoutTaxes": 90,
    "tax1": {
      "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
      "name": "VAT",
      "amount": 18.9,
      "value": 0.21
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    "total": 108.9
  "user": {
    "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce9130",
    "name": "Degallaix Corp."
  "createdAt": "2024-11-18T09:11:53.150Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-11-18T09:18:17.418Z"


Move a purchase order line

This endpoint allows you to move a line to a new position.



curl -X PUT https://api.lsp.expert/v2/purchase-orders/673b04d923b8c71a21e1847b/lines/673b065923b8c71a21e18708/move/1 \
  -u {key}: 


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  "issueDate": "2024-11-18T09:11:53.150Z",
  "labels": [],
  "lines": [
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        "name": "Third job",
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        "outsourcing": "6718a1ea0e27164043ceb6c5",
        "clientId": "6718a1350e27164043ce9e80"
      "dueDate": "2024-10-25T08:00:00.000Z",
      "service": {
        "id": "6718a0f90e27164043ce95c0",
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      "extraCharge": {
        "type": "percentage",
        "percentage": 0,
        "amount": 0
      "quantity": {
        "value": 1000,
        "quantityType": {
          "id": "6718a0f90e27164043ce96a7",
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      "totalDetails": {
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          "amount": 0,
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          "amount": 90,
          "discount": 0,
          "total": 90
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      "matches": [],
      "id": "673b065923b8c71a21e18708"
  "number": "002",
  "object": "purchaseOrder",
  "paymentTerms": 30,
  "paymentTermsEndOfMonth": false,
  "pinned": false,
  "rappenRounding": false,
  "sentDate": "2024-11-18T09:11:56.368Z",
  "status": 2,
  "supplier": {
    "id": "6718a1a20e27164043cea4e8",
    "name": "Caroline Dupont",
    "address": {
      "name": "Caroline Dupont"
  "tax1": {
    "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
    "name": "VAT",
    "value": 0.21
  "total": {
    "subtotal": 90,
    "subtotalTaxable": 90,
    "subtotalWithoutTaxes": 90,
    "tax1": {
      "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
      "name": "VAT",
      "amount": 18.9,
      "value": 0.21
    "tax2": null,
    "total": 108.9
  "user": {
    "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce9130",
    "name": "Degallaix Corp."
  "createdAt": "2024-11-18T09:11:53.150Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-11-18T09:18:17.418Z"


Delete a purchase order line

This endpoint allows you to delete a purchase order line.


curl -X DELETE https://api.lsp.expert/v2/purchase-orders/673b04d923b8c71a21e1847b/lines/673b065923b8c71a21e18708 \
  -u {key}:


  "id": "673b04d923b8c71a21e1847b",
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  "archive": false,
  "currency": {
    "code": "EUR",
    "symbol": "€"
  "document": {
    "id": "6718a0b50e27164043ce915a",
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  "filenameFormat": "[number]",
  "internalNotes": [],
  "isConflictingNumber": false,
  "issueDate": "2024-11-18T09:11:53.150Z",
  "labels": [],
  "lines": [],
  "number": "002",
  "object": "purchaseOrder",
  "paymentTerms": 30,
  "paymentTermsEndOfMonth": false,
  "pinned": false,
  "rappenRounding": false,
  "sentDate": "2024-11-18T09:11:56.368Z",
  "status": 2,
  "supplier": {
    "id": "6718a1a20e27164043cea4e8",
    "name": "Caroline Dupont",
    "address": {
      "name": "Caroline Dupont"
  "tax1": {
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    "name": "VAT",
    "value": 0.21
  "total": {
    "subtotal": 0,
    "subtotalTaxable": 0,
    "subtotalWithoutTaxes": 0,
    "tax1": {
      "id": "6718a0fd0e27164043ce97ae",
      "name": "VAT",
      "amount": 0,
      "value": 0.21
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    "total": 0
  "user": {
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    "name": "Degallaix Corp."
  "createdAt": "2024-11-18T09:11:53.150Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-11-18T09:22:09.322Z"