
Suppliers represent a supplier in the system. They contain information about the supplier, such as their name, address, and contact details but also their prices, services, activities and files.

The Supplier object


  • idstring

    Unique identifier for the object.

  • namestring

    The name of the supplier.

  • addressobject

  • archivedboolean

    True if the entity is archived.

  • catConfigurationobject

    The default CAT configuration for the supplier.
  • contactsarray

    Contacts (only applicable if supplierType is company)
  • dedicatedClientsarray

    The list of dedicated clients for the supplier.
  • detailsstring

    Additional details.

  • domainsarray

    The domains of expertise of the supplier.
  • emailstring

    The email address.

  • filenameFormatsobject

    Filename format settings
  • filesarray

    The files.
  • labelsarray

    The labels.
  • languagePairsarray

    The languages pairs
  • logoUrlstring

    The logo Url.

  • marketingsarray

    The marketing notes
  • mobilePhonestring

    The mobile phone number (only applicable if supplierType is freelancer).

  • nationalIdentificationNumberstring

    The national identification number, if applicable (SIRET, KVK, etc).

  • nicknamestring

    The nickname of the supplier (only applicable if supplierType is freelancer).

  • notesarray

    The notes linked to the entity.
  • phonestring

    The phone number (only applicable if supplierType is freelancer).

  • pinnedboolean

    True if the entity is pinned.

  • purchaseOrderobject

    Purchase order options.
  • ratingnumber

    The rating of the supplier.

  • servicesarray

    The services.
  • supplierTypestring

    One of the following value: freelance, company.

  • timezonestring


  • unavailabilitiesarray

  • vatNumberstring

    The VAT number of the company.

  • createdAtdate

    The date and time the entity was created.

  • updatedAtdate

    The date and time the entity was last updated.

Supplier object

  "id": "659bfadde9bb5bd797708d69",
  "name": "Arnaud Bachelier",
  "address": {
    "name": "Arnaud Bachelier"
  "archived": false,
  "contacts": [],
  "dedicatedClients": [],
  "domains": [
      "id": "659bf8f25959fed584cd38db",
      "name": "IT"
  "email": "",
  "files": [],
  "labels": [
      "id": "659bf8f25959fed584cd38c9",
      "name": "IT",
      "color": "#15803D"
  "languagePairs": [
      "source": {
        "code": "en",
        "name": "English"
      "target": {
        "code": "fr",
        "name": "French"
      "id": "659bf8f35959fed584cd38e1",
      "bidirectional": false
  "marketings": [],
  "notes": [],
  "pinned": false,
  "purchaseOrder": {
    "applyVATReverseCharge": false,
    "currency": {
      "code": "EUR",
      "symbol": "€"
    "document": {
      "id": "6548c11c5136b418fd626e59",
      "name": "Français"
    "minimumFee": 30,
    "paymentTerms": 30,
    "paymentTermsEndOfMonth": false,
    "rappenRounding": false,
    "tax1": {
      "id": "6548c1705136b418fd626e65",
      "name": "VAT",
      "value": 0.21
  "services": [
      "service": {
        "id": "6548c16d5136b418fd626e5f",
        "name": "Translation"
      "languagePair": {
        "source": {
          "code": "en",
          "name": "English"
        "target": {
          "code": "fr",
          "name": "French"
        "id": "659bf8f35959fed584cd38e1",
        "bidirectional": false
      "quantityType": {
        "id": "6548c16d5136b418fd626e61",
        "name": "Words"
      "currency": {
        "code": "EUR",
        "symbol": "€"
      "unitCost": 0.08,
      "matchesType": "fixed",
      "hasPrice": true,
      "matches": [],
      "id": "659bfadde9bb5bd797708d73"
  "supplierType": "freelance",
  "timezone": "Europe/Brussels",
  "unavailabilities": [],
  "createdAt": "2024-01-08T13:38:37.009Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-06-13T07:14:28.050Z"


List all Suppliers

This endpoint allows you to retrieve all the suppliers.


curl -G \
  -u {key}: 


  "items": [{
    "id": "659bfadde9bb5bd797708d69",
    "name": "Arnaud Bachelier",
    "address": {
      "name": "Arnaud Bachelier"
    "archived": false,
    "contacts": [],
    "dedicatedClients": [],
    "domains": [],
    "email": "",
    "files": [],
    "labels": [],
    "languagePairs": [
        "source": {
          "code": "en",
          "name": "English"
        "target": {
          "code": "fr",
          "name": "French"
        "id": "659bf8f35959fed584cd38e1",
        "bidirectional": false
    "marketings": [],
    "notes": [],
    "pinned": false,
    "purchaseOrder": {
      "applyVATReverseCharge": false,
      "currency": {
        "code": "EUR",
        "symbol": "€"
      "document": {
        "id": "6548c11c5136b418fd626e59",
        "name": "Français"
      "minimumFee": 30,
      "paymentTerms": 30,
      "paymentTermsEndOfMonth": false,
      "rappenRounding": false,
      "tax1": {
        "id": "6548c1705136b418fd626e65",
        "name": "VAT",
        "value": 0.21
    "services": [
        "service": {
          "id": "6548c16d5136b418fd626e5f",
          "name": "Translation"
        "languagePair": {
          "source": {
            "code": "en",
            "name": "English"
          "target": {
            "code": "fr",
            "name": "French"
          "id": "659bf8f35959fed584cd38e1",
          "bidirectional": false
        "quantityType": {
          "id": "6548c16d5136b418fd626e61",
          "name": "Words"
        "currency": {
          "code": "EUR",
          "symbol": "€"
        "unitCost": 0.08,
        "matchesType": "fixed",
        "hasPrice": true,
        "matches": [],
        "id": "659bfadde9bb5bd797708d73"
    "supplierType": "freelance",
    "timezone": "Europe/Brussels",
    "unavailabilities": [],
    "createdAt": "2024-01-08T13:38:37.009Z",
    "updatedAt": "2024-06-13T07:14:28.050Z"
  "pageSize": 20,
  "page": 1,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalItems": 2,
  "hasNextPage": false,
  "hasPreviousPage": false


Create a supplier

This endpoint allows you to add a new supplier.


  • namestring Required

    The name of the supplier.

  • addressCitystring,null

    City, district, suburb, town, or village.

  • addressCountrystring,null

    Two-letter country code.

  • addressLine1string,null

    Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name).

  • addressLine2string,null

    Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building).

  • addressNamestring,null

    Business name.

  • addressPostalCodestring,null

    ZIP or postal code.

  • addressStatestring,null

    State, county, province, or region.

  • applyVATReverseChargeboolean

    True if the reverse charge applies.

  • catConfigurationstring

    The default CAT configuration id.

  • currencystring

    The currency code (ISO, e.g., EUR).

  • detailsstring,null

    The additional details.

  • documentstring

    The document id.

  • emailstring

    The email address (only applicable if supplierType is freelancer).

  • minimumFeenumber,null

    The minimum fee to be applied.

  • mobilePhonestring,null

    The mobile phone number (only applicable if supplierType is freelancer).

  • nationalIdentificationNumberstring,null

    The national identification number, if applicable (SIRET, KVK, etc).

  • nicknamestring,null

    The nickname of the supplier (only applicable if supplierType is freelancer).

  • paymentTermsnumber,null

    The payment terms in days.

  • paymentTermsEndOfMonthboolean,null

    True if the payment terms are at the end of the month.

  • phonestring,null

    The phone number (only applicable if supplierType is freelancer).

  • purchaseOrderFilenameFormatstring

    The filename format for the purchase orders.

  • rappenRoundingboolean

    True if the rounding should be done in rappen (Swiss Francs only).

  • supplierTypestring

    One of the following value: freelance, company.

  • tax1string,null

    The id of the tax1.

  • tax2string,null

    The id of the tax2.

  • timezonestring,null

    The timezone (e.g., Europe/Brussels).

  • vatNumberstring,null

    The VAT number of the company.


curl \
  -u {key}: \
  -d name="John Smith" 


  "id": "66fa558df6433d59fb991355",
  "name": "John Smith",
  "address": {
    "name": "John Smith"
  "archived": false,
  "contacts": [],
  "dedicatedClients": [],
  "domains": [],
  "files": [],
  "labels": [],
  "languagePairs": [],
  "marketings": [],
  "nickname": "John",
  "notes": [],
  "object": "supplier",
  "pinned": false,
  "purchaseOrder": {
    "applyVATReverseCharge": false,
    "currency": {
      "code": "EUR",
      "symbol": "€"
    "document": {
      "id": "6548c11c5136b418fd626e58",
      "name": "English"
    "minimumFee": 0,
    "paymentTermsEndOfMonth": false,
    "rappenRounding": false,
    "tax1": {
      "id": "6548c1705136b418fd626e65",
      "name": "VAT",
      "value": 0.21
  "services": [],
  "supplierType": "freelance",
  "unavailabilities": [],
  "createdAt": "2024-09-30T07:38:53.330Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-09-30T07:38:53.342Z"


Retrieve a supplier

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a supplier by providing their id.


curl \
  -u {key}:


  "id": "66fa558df6433d59fb991355",
  "name": "John Smith",
  "address": {
    "name": "John Smith"
  "archived": false,
  "contacts": [],
  "dedicatedClients": [],
  "domains": [],
  "files": [],
  "labels": [],
  "languagePairs": [],
  "marketings": [],
  "nickname": "John",
  "notes": [],
  "object": "supplier",
  "pinned": false,
  "purchaseOrder": {
    "applyVATReverseCharge": false,
    "currency": {
      "code": "EUR",
      "symbol": "€"
    "document": {
      "id": "6548c11c5136b418fd626e58",
      "name": "English"
    "minimumFee": 0,
    "paymentTermsEndOfMonth": false,
    "rappenRounding": false,
    "tax1": {
      "id": "6548c1705136b418fd626e65",
      "name": "VAT",
      "value": 0.21
  "services": [],
  "supplierType": "freelance",
  "unavailabilities": [],
  "createdAt": "2024-09-30T07:38:53.330Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-09-30T07:38:53.342Z"


Update a supplier

This endpoint allows you to perform an update on a supplier. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.


  • namestring

    The name of the supplier.

  • addressCitystring,null

    City, district, suburb, town, or village.

  • addressCountrystring,null

    Two-letter country code.

  • addressLine1string,null

    Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name).

  • addressLine2string,null

    Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building).

  • addressNamestring,null

    Business name.

  • addressPostalCodestring,null

    ZIP or postal code.

  • addressStatestring,null

    State, county, province, or region.

  • applyVATReverseChargeboolean

    True if the reverse charge applies.

  • archivedboolean

    True if the entity is archived.

  • catConfigurationstring,null

    The default CAT configuration id.

  • currencystring

    The currency code (ISO, e.g., EUR).

  • detailsstring,null

    The additional details.

  • documentstring

    The document id.

  • emailundefined

    The email address (only applicable if supplierType is freelancer).

  • minimumFeenumber,null

    The minimum fee to be applied.

  • mobilePhonestring,null

    The mobile phone number (only applicable if supplierType is freelancer).

  • nationalIdentificationNumberstring,null

    The national identification number, if applicable (SIRET, KVK, etc).

  • nicknamestring,null

    The nickname of the supplier (only applicable if supplierType is freelancer).

  • paymentTermsnumber,null

    The payment terms in days.

  • paymentTermsEndOfMonthboolean,null

    True if the payment terms are at the end of the month.

  • phonestring,null

    The phone number (only applicable if supplierType is freelancer).

  • pinnedboolean

    True if the entity is pinned.

  • purchaseOrderFilenameFormatstring,null

    The filename format for the purchase orders.

  • rappenRoundingboolean

    True if the rounding should be done in rappen (Swiss Francs only).

  • supplierTypestring

    One of the following value: freelance, company.

  • tax1string,null

    The id of the tax1.

  • tax2string,null

    The id of the tax2.

  • timezonestring,null

    The timezone (e.g., Europe/Brussels).

  • vatNumberstring,null

    The VAT number of the company.


curl -X PUT \
  -u {key}: \
  -d email=""


  "id": "66fa558df6433d59fb991355",
  "name": "John Smith",
  "address": {
    "name": "John Smith"
  "archived": false,
  "contacts": [],
  "dedicatedClients": [],
  "domains": [],
  "email": "",
  "files": [],
  "labels": [],
  "languagePairs": [],
  "marketings": [],
  "nickname": "John",
  "notes": [],
  "object": "supplier",
  "pinned": false,
  "purchaseOrder": {
    "applyVATReverseCharge": false,
    "currency": {
      "code": "EUR",
      "symbol": "€"
    "document": {
      "id": "6548c11c5136b418fd626e58",
      "name": "English"
    "minimumFee": 0,
    "paymentTermsEndOfMonth": false,
    "rappenRounding": false,
    "tax1": {
      "id": "6548c1705136b418fd626e65",
      "name": "VAT",
      "value": 0.21
  "services": [],
  "supplierType": "freelance",
  "unavailabilities": [],
  "createdAt": "2024-09-30T07:38:53.330Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-09-30T07:38:53.342Z"


Delete a supplier

This endpoint allows you to delete a supplier.


curl -X DELETE \
  -u {key}: